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- -- Facebook=
- local EBA ='Frame')
- local a ='TextLabel')
- local s ='TextButton')
- local DS ='TextButton')
- local JPN ='TextButton')
- local AF1 ='TextButton')
- local AF3 ='TextButton')
- local tps ='Frame')
- local AF2P ='TextButton')
- local X ='TextButton')
- EB.Name = 'EB'
- EBA.Parent = EB
- EBA.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- EBA.Position =, 0, 0.14031972, 0)
- EBA.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound
- CR.Parent = EBA
- CR.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- CR.Size =, 302, 0, 26)
- CR.Text = 'Elemental BattleGrounds Gui - By FunTrator'
- CR.TextColor3 =, 0.00784314, 0.137255)
- a.Parent = CR
- a.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.00784314, 0.054902)
- a.Size =, 302, 0, 1)
- a.Text = '
- a.TextSize = 14
- CR_2.Name = 'CR'
- CR_2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- CR_2.Position =, 0, 12.1123638, 0)
- CR_2.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi
- CR_2.Text = 'D I S C O R D . I O / S o m e o n e S h a r k'
- CR_2.TextColor3 =, 0.00784314, 0.137255)
- CR_2.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0.00392157, 0.137255)
- s.Parent = EBA
- s.Position =, 0, 0.167810276, 0)
- s.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- s.Text = 'TP Only Shards'
- s.TextSize = 14
- local toMove = {Shard = true, Diamond = false}
- for _, object in pairs(workspace['.Ignore']['.ServerEffects']:children()) do
- object.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position
- end
- end)
- d.Name = 'd'
- d.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- d.Position =, 0, 0.167810276, 0)
- d.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- d.Text = 'TP Only Diamond'
- d.TextSize = 14
- local toMove = {Shard = false, Diamond = true}
- for _, object in pairs(workspace['.Ignore']['.ServerEffects']:children()) do
- object.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position
- end
- end)
- DS.Name = 'DS'
- DS.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- DS.Position =, 0, 0.309531122, 0)
- DS.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- DS.Text = 'Diamonds/Shards'
- DS.TextSize = 14
- local toMove = {Shard = true, Diamond = true}
- for _, object in pairs(workspace['.Ignore']['.ServerEffects']:children()) do
- object.Position = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position
- end
- end)
- H.Name = 'H'
- H.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- H.Position =, 0, 0.309531122, 0)
- H.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- H.Text = 'TP To Heaven'
- H.TextSize = 14
- game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(602048550)
- JPN.Parent = EBA
- JPN.Position =, 0, 0.462158829, 0)
- JPN.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- JPN.Text = 'Jump Power : On'
- JPN.TextSize = 14
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 300
- JPO.Parent = EBA
- JPO.Position =, 0, 0.462158829, 0)
- JPO.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- JPO.Text = 'Jump Power : OFF'
- JPO.TextSize = 14
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50
- AF1.Parent = EBA
- AF1.Position =, 0, 0.611765385, 0)
- AF1.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF1.Text = 'Auto Farm #1'
- AF1.TextSize = 14
- while wait() do
- wait(0.1)
- Repetition.DoClientMagic:FireServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets')
- Repetition.DoMagic:InvokeServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets')
- Repetition.DoClientMagic:FireServer('Fire', 'Great Fire Blast')
- Repetition.DoMagic:InvokeServer('Fire', 'Great Fire Blast')
- end)
- AF2.Name = 'AF2'
- AF2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- AF2.Position =, 0, 0.611765385, 0)
- AF2.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF2.Text = 'Auto Farm #2'
- AF2.TextSize = 14
- while wait(1) do
- for i = 1, #players do
- screenGui.Parent = script.Parent
- textBox.Text = (players[i].Name)
- game.Players[textBox.Text].Character.Humanoid.HealthChanged:connect(function(health)
- if game.Players[textBox.text].Character.Humanoid.Health <= 40 then
- local targetpos = game:GetService'Players'[textBox.Text].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position--get target pos
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, targetpos.Y, targetpos.Z) --TP to target
- local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- local TrueMagic = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.DoMagic
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.DoClientMagic:FireServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets')--Change 'Fire' To your magic and change 'Consecutive Fire Bullets' to your own magic move.
- TrueMagic:InvokeServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets', mouse.Target, mouse.Hit)--Change 'Fire' To your magic and change 'Consecutive Fire Bullets' to your own magic move.
- end
- end
- end)
- AF3.Name = 'AF3'
- AF3.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- AF3.Position =, 0, 0.758350849, 0)
- AF3.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF3.Text = 'Auto Farm #3'
- AF3.TextSize = 14
- while true do
- plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- TrueMagic = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.DoMagic
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.DoClientMagic:FireServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets')
- TrueMagic:InvokeServer('Fire', 'Consecutive Fire Bullets', mouse.Target, mouse.Hit)
- end)
- TP.Name = 'TP'
- TP.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- TP.Position =, 0, 0.758350849, 0)
- TP.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButtonDefault
- TP.Text = 'T E L E P O R T S'
- TP.TextColor3 =, 0.027451, 0.121569)
- TP.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0.0156863, 0.0823529)
- TP.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- end)
- tps.Name = 'tps'
- tps.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
- tps.Position =, 0, 0.152753115, 0)
- tps.Visible = false
- tps.Active = true
- AF1P.Parent = tps
- AF1P.Position =, 0, 0.184088036, 0)
- AF1P.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF1P.Text = 'Farm Place #1'
- AF1P.TextSize = 14
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 215.214386, 834.628906)
- AF2P.Parent = tps
- AF2P.Position =, 0, 0.171818092, 0)
- AF2P.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF2P.Text = 'Farm Place #2'
- AF2P.TextSize = 14
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 323.823578, 2018.33386)
- AF3P.Parent = tps
- AF3P.Position =, 0, 0.58654201, 0)
- AF3P.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- AF3P.Text = 'Farm Place #3'
- AF3P.TextSize = 14
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 269.954407, 2605.0293)
- X.Parent = tps
- X.Position =, 0, -0.024539873, 0)
- X.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
- X.Text = '-'
- X.TextSize = 14
- tps.Visible = false